Security, Privacy Awareness vs. Utilization of Social Networks and Mobile Apps for Learning: Students` Preparedness
The application of social networks and mobile apps for learning can improve learning process drastically in Higher learning Institutions as it offers tools and capabilities that creates flexible and convenient learning environment. But the utilization of social networks and mobile devices for learning is constrained among other things by fear of security and privacy of information shared. In order to investigate student’s preparedness on security and privacy awareness in using social networks and mobile devices for learning, a descriptive research approach was employed. A judgmental sampling technique was used to select participants of the study. Based on the results of questionnaire and interviews we found that, generally students in higher learning institutions in Tanzania are short security knowledge and skills necessary to utilize social networks and mobile device for learning and therefore not ready to apply the same for learning. We propose measures to be done in order to make adoption of social networks and mobile devices for learning a success.
Learning; Social Networks; Mobile Apps; Security; Privacy