Integrating Learning Style in the Design of Educational Interfaces
Understanding learners’ characteristics and behaviour using hypermedia systems in education is still a challenge for most developers and educators. This study seeks to understand the influence of learning style on learners’ use and preference of a Computer Based Learning (CBL) program which was developed using two navigational structures (linear and non-linear). The study presents the findings of a case study conducted in Kuwaiti Higher Education.Data analysis was used to understand learners’ needs and perceptions in using navigational structures. The relationship between learners’ needs, learning styles, perceptions, and preferences in using the CBL program in regard to learner’s gender is discussed in this paper. We found that both males and females liked to see the two navigational structures in the CBL program. Moreover, we found that although males and females are both prefer using the non-linear structures, the data analysis shows that males actually used linear structures of the program and they are characterized as verbalized, field independent and serialist learners. Females, on the other hand, need to use the non-linear structure, and characterized as visualized, field dependent, and holist learners. It is interesting to find that learners (both males and females) may use specific navigational structures (linear and non-linear) accommodated in a CBL program although it may not be what they prefer.
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