A mission location recommender system to missioner by using clustering based collaborative filtering

Razieh Qiasi, Seyyed Hassan Hani-Zavarei, Behrooz Minaei-Bidgoli


By expansion of religion mission boards to further parts of Iran, and also many different mission needs and increasing number of missions and mission locations, traditional and manual methods of missioner dispatch are not fast and accurate enough for dispatching manager’s needs anymore. So, there is a need for an intelligent system which can improve dispatching programs by assisting the missioners in selecting the suitable location. Application of recommender systems is a suitable solution to this problem. Collaborative filtering is the most commonly used and effective recommendation technique among different types of recommender systems. This paper presents a mission location recommender system based on collaborative filtering method. Traditional CF method is not scalable for the increasing number of missioners.  To address this issue, this paper proposes developing a mission location recommender system based on clustering techniques followed by collaborative filtering. The experimental results show that the cluster based collaborative filtering has acceptable performance and it is the most accurate and scalable user based CF.


Dispatching missioner; Recommender system; Collaborative filtering; clustering

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